Univisual - Brand Consulting
Italian Identity Marks
The Design Side
of Univisual Brand Consultancy
Welcome to Univisual, a recognized Italian design studio, based in Milan since 1986, specialized in trademarks and identity systems.
Univisual - Brand Consulting

Visual identity for a print center

Trademark and visual identity system for one of the first digital process “printers” in Italy. Loretoprint born in Milan in 1966 as a stamp and copy shop – still today in the Piazzale Loreto area – is today an important press center that works for both companies and the private sector.

The logo, exploiting the geometry of the circle, reproduces the profile of a parrot’s head through a rigorous and extreme visual synthesis. The subject of the logo is a parrot because it is the nickname that in Italy is typically given to a parrot.


Marchio e immagine coordinata per una delle prime “tipografie” con procedimento digitale in Italia. Loretoprint, nata a Milano nel 1966 come timbrificio e copisteria – ancora oggi in zona Piazzale Loreto – è oggi un importante centro stampa che lavora sia per le aziende sia per il privato.

Il logo, sfruttando la geometria del cerchio, riproduce il profilo della testa di un pappagallo attraverso una rigorosa ed estrema sintesi visuale.

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